Okay, multiple choice question. . . No More Sighing is:
- The latest Taylor Swift song about a relationship gone bad
- The exasperated cry from a set of parents to their overly dramatic 2-year-old
- The goal set by a recent coaching client
- All of the above

So, why did my client choose “no more sighs” as a way to describe his coaching session goal? For starters, let’s call him Jay. Sounds much better than “my client!” Jay left a strong coaching session feeling optimistic and headed directly for his office. He texted me that he heard numerous sighs emanating from the confines of private offices as he made his way down the hall toward his own designated spot. And that caused him to become resolute: No more sighs!
Sigh Checker
Do you find yourself sighing during your workday? An occasional sigh is to be expected. And, of course, there are different types of sighs. We might sigh in a very different way when we see a beautiful actress or handsome actor. Those sighs aren’t what we’re concerned about here! We mean the deep, unhappy, ongoing sighs. If you find yourself sighing or engaging in what I’ll call “pseudo sighs,” then you need to take stock. Here are some tips to combat the encroaching sighs:
- Recognize the issue and put a name on it. Even if you aren’t physically sighing, are you engaging in recurring moments during your workday when you are truly unhappy, uncomfortable, or unmotivated? If so, you are, at least metaphorically, sighing.
- Once you recognize that you’re sighing, think through whether the issues causing your sighing are resolvable. If so, put a plan in place to do so sooner rather than later.
- If the sighing is caused by what you deem to be irresolvable issues, then it’s time to think in terms of a new job. That will require a plan as well.
So, what do these plans entail? If you’re trying to resolve ongoing issues, you will need to:
- Identify the issues
- Work on understanding the root causes
- Determine if you have it within your control to adapt and resolve the issues or realize if you need others to be involved
- Figure out exactly what must happen for the issues to be resolved
If you believe the issues are beyond resolution, your plan needs to include:
- Packaging yourself for sale to a new employer (for a new job)
- Networking
- Scoping out executive search firms/headhunters
- Working with the relevant job boards.
In short, if you find yourself sighing—in the bad way—that’s not sustainable. Get to work on coming up with a plan to put an end to the sighing. If you feel stuck and don’t know how to move forward, give us a call, and we’ll help you unlock your potential!