After spending 12 years with the same organization, I was finally ready to make a change. But approaching my job search and defining my skills to fit that search felt overwhelming. Fortunately, I was introduced to Bob at just the right time.

Our work together helped me think outside the box and navigate the challenges associated with leaving my former position, crafting my resume for my search, and finding just the right fit for where I was in my career. Bob was patient, understanding, and overwhelmingly positive as I embarked on this journey.

Bob’s experience, objectivity, and steady guidance make him an invaluable partner for anyone looking to make a change in their career. Thank you for everything, Bob!

– Doug S.

What sets Bob apart as a career coach are his wide range of knowledge across many industries and unique ability to connect with his clients personally to help them zero in on their priorities. As a professional runner in a time of transition, I started working with Bob at the beginning of the COVID pandemic to figure out what the best options were for my professional development. Not only did Bob ask me the hard questions that helped me decide what I wanted to do–ultimately apply to medical school–but over the next year, he guided me through the long application process. He helped me craft a personal statement that truly told my story, practice to nail my interviews, and communicate with medical school administrators in ways that built relationships and left lasting impressions.

In the end, I received multiple interviews and acceptance to one of the top medical schools in the country and cultivated skills that continue to be invaluable in my personal and professional life. I would strongly recommend Bob to both people who have a clear direction and are looking to advance in their careers and people who are just trying to figure out what’s next.

– Olivia B.

Working with David these past few months has been so amazing. He is one of the most genuine, experienced and intelligent coaches I’ve ever worked with and he’s truly helped me in all aspects of my life: personally, professionally, and socially. Being an athlete all of my life, I can say it’s rare for a coach to ask you what you want to focus on instead of just telling you what you need to focus on. It has really allowed me to be vulnerable, strategic, and in the moment. We talk a lot about my values and the person I ultimately want to become, and when I’m in distress I now go back to those values, and it helps me put things into perspective and remain positive. He’s one of the only coaches that I can feel is genuinely looking out for me and my success, and that is very rare to find. He’s one of the best!

– Gaby S.

As a woman-owned business, I have hired a few coaches over the years. I had the pleasure of working with David Newman this past year. His coaching was invaluable, and it made a huge impact on my public speaking business. David helped me outline a clear roadmap for where I wanted to be, held me accountable to implement my strategies, and celebrated my business success! Because of his broad experience of business, people, and culture, David helped me see my blind spots and enhanced my visibility. He asked thought-provoking questions, which led me to make well-informed decisions. Most importantly, he had a remarkable talent for finding out where my values showed up in my business. His coaching made me a more confident and successful entrepreneur.

– MK L.

As I have transitioned from an active surgical practice into an administrative role in our healthcare system, I felt that I intrinsically had many of the necessary leadership skills to be equally successful in my new role. My experiences with Bob, however, have shown me how far I really needed to go to truly amass such skills. Through his compassionate, insightful, and objective feedback and knowledge, I have been able to redirect real-life experiences and issues into useful and positive personal and professional outcomes. I have become practically motivated to address the difficult conversations that I have historically consciously or subconsciously avoided while learning to be much more patient with others and myself.

– Alan S.

– Jorge P.

– Jenna L.

– Christiaan C.

After more than a decade of owning a healthcare company, it was time for me to sell the business. I needed someone to coach me through the process and immediately thought of Bob. As an experienced coach and someone who had been a lawyer, healthcare CEO and entrepreneur, Bob had the rare combination of expertise and experience that I was seeking.

Bob was by my side throughout the entire process, providing me with the coaching I needed to successfully sell the business. I am very fortunate in that I not only benefitted from Bob’s exceptional coaching skills, but also his wealth of business knowledge and experience. Bob not only helped me realize that selling the company was a possibility, he helped make it a reality.

– Sarah T.

As a professional athlete coming upon retirement and moving to a full time professional business career, I needed a solid plan that would set me up for success. I worked with Bob for over a year to help me create a business plan to launch my own consulting business in the employee wellness field. This included myriad speaking and one-off program events, a professional website, a registered LLC and more. His expertise and ability to help direct my efforts was key to my success. Ten years later, I am a corporate director of a national organization who has just been awarded official registered trademark status on my current wellness initiative. I consider my career on track. And as a professional track athlete, my bar is high.

– Jolene M.

Bob has a great way of probing and asking the hard questions which forces his clients to identify their professional priorities. Bob also has such a diverse range of professional experience from which to draw, that he’s well-equipped to help a wide range of professionals and scenarios. The time I’ve spent with Bob has proven helpful to me beyond description.

– John B.