A Hard Look at Soft Skills

I recently had the amazing good fortune of being invited to speak to approximately thirty aspiring—and in some cases current—Olympians, at the USA Track and Field Athletes Advisory Committee retreat …

What Should I Do If…?

What should you do if you think you gave a particularly bad answer to a question during an interview?  This is the most frequently asked interview-related question I hear from …

Handling Rejection

The Rejection “It’s not you, it’s me.”  Invented by George Costanza? Um, no. It’s been around forever. Rejecting someone is difficult. Many people try to soften the blow. Others, not …

A Boomer Defends Millennials

They’re lazy. They are more interested in their leisure activities than in getting the work done. They’re spoiled rotten. Those were the exact sentiments hurled at my age cohort when …