Stop Selling Yourself Short

I watched the Olympic Trials in a very different way the week before last because I’ve been working with five of the athletes who were in Eugene pursuing their dreams …

Pandemic Burnout

It’s been un-mistakenly obvious in the last few weeks that people in many walks of life have had it with the pandemic. I’ve heard it from clients, friends and casual …

Road Tripping 2020 Style

“Camp in the mountains, not the left lane.” So requested a sign on I-70 East in eastern Colorado. Short and to the point. Humorous. Non-partisan. Just one of the small …

The First Step

It’s time. Enough is enough. Each time I’ve heard about a horrific killing of an African American, either at the hands of the police or of some vigilantes, I’ve wrung …


Before video chats and conferencing took over our work and personal lives, I helped a client named Richard prepare for a video interview. This was a handful of years ago …

Regaining Control

Imagine you’re a passenger in a car that’s careening out of control down the highway. Your initial response is fear for your safety. Perhaps you scream at the driver, you …