The Attack Phase of the I.AM Method of Coaching


When I developed the I.AM method of coaching, I certainly didn’t think anything about it was controversial. Shows what I know!  It turns out that the word “attack” raised an eyebrow or two. So, let’s get this out of the way right now: We’re talking about a metaphorical attack—no violence here!

Metaphorical or otherwise, there are as many styles of attack as there are people. No two job searches, improvement plans or career changes look alike. As I’ve noted in a previous blog post, it’s critically important to properly identify the issue at hand as a first step. Once that’s done, the attack phase can be embarked upon with confidence. Since a job search is the easiest example to follow, here are some pointers to consider in the attack phase of that process:

  1. Make certain that the attack process you develop aligns with your personality and your life philosophy;
  2. Make certain that you are realistic in your approach—don’t set out a plan that is so aggressive that it’s doomed to fail from the start; and
  3. While keeping number two in mind, don’t be afraid to stretch—at least a little.

Ready, Set, Attack!
If you’re hard-charging and outgoing, then put together a full-blown networking plan. Meet as many people as possible and ask them for names and contacts of other people. Apply for lots of jobs online. In short, go full bore. What if you’re more reserved?  The full-blown networking plan won’t align with your personality, and it will simply feel wrong. If you hate “doing lunch,” then don’t plan to meet contacts for lunch, especially ones you are just meeting for the first time. One size does not fit all. What feels comfortable? Meeting with a few trusted former colleagues? Setting up phone calls with others who might be able to help? Emailing? Conducting an exhaustive online search?

The key is to find what works for you. In either case, be realistic. Don’t set a goal to meet with 10 individuals a week if you’re currently working full time and have family responsibilities. There are many different ways to be active in the attack phase, without changing who you are or compromising what’s important to you.

As you design your attack, ask yourself if your proposed actions are designed to produce results as opposed to simply demonstrating activity. Conducting an exhaustive online search is great, if you proactively follow up. And, while meeting 10 people in a week might be unrealistic, meeting one might be a bit too conservative. Think about what feels comfortable. Then stretch just a little.

Need some help crafting your attack? Give us a call. We can attack it together!

Up next… The Master Phase of the I.AM Coaching Method 
